Capaldi Reynolds & Pelosi Snags Second Place for Gilda’s Club

Dec 5, 2019 | Community, News

On July 15, 2017, an eager boatful of coworkers, family and friends of Capaldi Reynolds & Pelosi paddled in the 2nd Annual Gilda’s Club of South Jersey Dragon Boat Festival at Lake Lenape in Mays Landing. We joined hundreds of other participants from other local organizations and businesses for a day of fellowship and a little healthy competition. Our group was able to edge out our competition and finish second in both our heats. Our time improved dramatically in our second heat. Look out next year!!

The beautiful venue enhanced the experience along with the perfect weather. In between heats there was lively music, exercise and dance performances and even an authentic Chinese Dragon Dance Show. Competition also occurred on land as well as teams pulled their hardest during the Tug of War. Our palates were satisfied as delicious food options were also offered.

Dragon Boat Racing dates back over 2000 thousand years to an Old Chinese legend where a group of fisherman raced out to the Milou River to save the exiled King Qu Yuan, who was drowning. They wildly beat their drums and splashed the water with their paddles to prevent the water dragons and fish from eating the desolate king. The Modern Day Dragon Boat Race is a reenactment of that event.

Gilda’s Club of South Jersey was founded in memory of comedienne Gilda Radner. It originated in 2002 thanks to the seed money provided by the Ruth Newman Shapiro Cancer and Heart Fund. Every year, thousands of people are touched by cancer in South Jersey and Gilda’s was created to ensure that no one faces cancer alone. It provides valuable education, counseling and social events to bring families and friends who are suffering from this disease in one form or another together. Capaldi Reynolds & Pelosi is very proud and honored to have once again been part of this special event for such a worthy cause.

Gilda's Club of South Jersey Dragon Boat Festival

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