Quickbooks Tip of the Month: July

Dec 5, 2019 | Quickbooks, Uncategorized

Make QuickBooks automatically re-enter transactions that occur repeatedly.

The short cut to do this is to press “Ctrl+M” while you’re entering a transaction. You’ll get a “Memorized Transaction” tool that will allow you to specify the parameters in order for repeat transactions to work. You can schedule the transactions daily, weekly, monthly, etc. This can be done either as an automatic transaction entry or as a reminder item. For example, when you’re entering a $1,000 rent expense invoice and would like Quickbooks to enter this amount every month automatically, press “Ctrl+M”. A tool box will appear and will let you choose the parameters. For a monthly entry you would:

  1. Name the memorized transaction
  2. Select “Automate Transaction Entry”
  3. Under “How Often”, select “Monthly”
  4. Set the start date and numbers of entries, etc.

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