Tax Trivia

May 29, 2023 | Tax, Uncategorized

In honor of the end of this year’s tax season, here’s some trivia questions for you! We can’t promise they’ll make you a hit at the next dinner party, but some of them are interesting nonetheless. How many answers do you know?

The first true income tax ever was in what country, in 1404? 



On what day were US Federal tax returns originally due?


March 1

The Revenue Act of 1861 was the first time income tax was levied in the US.  What was the tax percentage?



In 1944 Congress raised the top income tax rate to what percentage?



The Form 1040 has been used since what year?

  1. 1933
  2. 1953
  3. 1913
  4. 1973

3. 1913

Who said “but in this world nothing can be said to be certain except death & taxes”?

  1. Benjamin Franklin
  2. James Madison
  3. Mark Twain
  4. Thomas Jefferson
  1. Benjamin Franklin

Which has more words in it?

  1. US Tax Code
  2. King James Bible
  3. The novel War & Peace
  1. US Tax Code

The first E-filed tax return occurred in January of what year?



There are over 500 tax forms.  Do you know what Form 6478 is used for?


Alcohol Biofuel Producer Credit

The 16th Amendment established the first permanent US income tax.  What year was it ratified?



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