Northfield NJ CPA – Tax, Accounting & Consulting Services (609) 641-4000  | 

Tips from the IRS for Your Protection

Tips from the IRS for Your Protection

It seems that calls to protect my car with an extended warranty are now outnumbering the threatening calls I once got, supposedly from the IRS.  Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that scammers have given up pretending to be collection agents for the IRS.  For our...
Who Needs Another PIN

Who Needs Another PIN

For years the IRS has issued Identity Protection PINS to proven victims of tax-related identity theft.  The number is mailed to the taxpayer every year and is used to file all federal returns, both electronic and paper.  This year the IRS will allow eligible taxpayers...
Don’t Buck the Fed

Don’t Buck the Fed

As the saying goes in the investment community, you “Don’t Buck the Fed”, but rather you follow their lead and take advantage of what they give you. Well, what more important investment do employers have than their own companies? Therefore, my...