CASA Toy Drive

Dec 4, 2021 | Charitable Giving, Non-Profit

For years, our Team has adopted families for the holidays. This effort is always coordinated by Maureen Wild, who even happily shops for the non-shoppers among us. Last year we did something a little different and had a toy drive for the children served by CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). This year we will partner with CASA again, and we hope the result will make the holidays happier for a lot of children.

Toy Drive 2021

If you’re not familiar with CASA, it recruits volunteers who advocate for children who were placed in the foster care system due to abuse or neglect. The volunteers speak on behalf of these children in the courtroom to ensure that they are placed in safe permanent homes as soon as possible. Atlantic and Cape May Counties presently have over 200 volunteers advocating for over 440 children. The toy drive will help to supply the volunteers with gifts for the children, for some the only gifts they will receive.

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