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The Positive Effects of the Pandemic

Oct 28, 2020 | Capaldi Reynolds & Pelosi

It is easy to identify negativity, but we wanted to focus on what we can do and what we have accomplished during the pandemic. Perhaps we should and could appreciate some of the positive effects of the pandemic.

To do this, we conducted a survey of our staff to see what they have accomplished or positive effects they have felt during the pandemic.

Our CRP and CRA families grew with 5 boys: Jack, Thomas, Jackson, Dominick, and Owen, 2 of whom are grandchildren. The newly crowned grandparents quarantined themselves before and after their visits with their new precious loved ones, just to see them. One of our staff members had a virtual bridal shower and a beautiful wedding for her daughter. The power of love!

One of our staff adopted a new puppy named Hurley; a very studious member took online classes at Harvard; someone else learned how to crochet and is overwhelmed with blankets; another lost 40 pounds while another staff member found 20 of those pounds; multiple staff participated in virtual fund raising; some read really good books; many did home renovations and tackled those C items on the “to do” list. Most important, all of our Team coveted family time, and it became an A item on the “to do” list.

Finally, with fewer people commuting to work, the environment has benefited with the lower emissions of CO2 and there are fewer road fatalities. Also, Adobe is reporting a 50% increase in the use of PDF files, thus reducing the amount of paper we consume.

Article Submitted by Marlana Richardson.

Like-kind Exchanges – IRC Section 1031

Like-kind Exchanges – IRC Section 1031

A 1031 exchange, named after section 1031 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, is a way to postpone capital gains tax on the sale of a business or investment property by using the proceeds to buy a similar property.  It is also sometimes referred to as a “like-kind”...

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