Dec 5, 2019 | Business, Business Financial Consulting, Business Health, Personal Finance
By Douglas S. Stanger, Esq. Shareholder of the Firm of Flaster/Greenberg PC and on the Panel of Trustees of the Department of Justice. While bankruptcies are generally down in most areas of the country, not here in Atlantic County. With many closed casinos and eight...
Dec 5, 2019 | Business, Personal Finance, Tax
Canceled Debt – Is It Taxable or Not? If you borrow money and are legally obligated to repay a fixed or determinable amount at a future date, you have a debt. You may be personally liable for a debt or may own a property that is subject to a debt. If your debt is...
Dec 5, 2019 | Uncategorized
As published in The Press of Atlantic City
Dec 5, 2019 | News, Uncategorized
Capaldi Reynolds & Pelosi, (CRP) is pleased to announce Lavinsky, Horowitz & Pollard (LH&P), CPAs and Business Advisors have agreed to join our team to form the largest locally based accounting, tax, audit and business advisory firms in South Eastern New...