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Capaldi Reynolds & Pelosi acquires Lavinsky, Horowitz & Pollard

Dec 5, 2019 | News, Uncategorized

Capaldi Reynolds & Pelosi, (CRP) is pleased to announce Lavinsky, Horowitz & Pollard (LH&P), CPAs and Business Advisors have agreed to join our team to form the largest locally based accounting, tax, audit and business advisory firms in South Eastern New Jersey.  Jointly the new firm will have 36 CPA’s and along with our sister company CRA Financial Advisors will have over 70 employees.

Founded in 1956, LH&P has a reputation for providing quality accounting, auditing, tax and management advisory services to clients. Partners Larry Horowitz, CPA Rick Pollard, CPA and Chris Foust, CPA will merge their practices into Capaldi Reynolds & Pelosi. All other current employees are also anticipated to join.

“This acquisition represents an excellent strategic fit.” Said Matthew Reynolds. Co-Managing Partner of Capaldi Reynolds & Pelosi. “It enables both firms to leverage their considerable strengths for the benefit of our clients. From individuals with complex tax matters, through small and mid-sized businesses this team will be a leader in south jersey, helping individuals and businesses reach their goals.”

Larry Horowitz, Managing Partner at LH&P, said “Capaldi Reynolds & Pelosi is among the most respected accounting firms in the markets we service and therefore was top on our list to enable us to continue to provide great value and excellent service to our clients.”

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